A paper, presented in a Subject "Sejarah & Kebudayaan Islam"...
The History of Moslems in America
America was “The New World” when Christopher Colombus first time came in that island on 21th, October 1429. But, Moslems said that it wasn’t true_America is not “The New World”. Before Spanyol’s cruiser found that island, some Moslems from West Africa had built civilization in America.
Some sources from the true facts show that Moslems had lived in America about some centuries before Colombus came there. One of the popular facts is Dr. Youssef Mroueh’s Essay, from Preparatory Committee for International Festivals 1996, to celebrate the Millenium of the Moslems arrival to the Americas, with a title “Precolumbian Moslems in America”.
In his Essay, Dr. Mroueh wrote, “Some facts show that Moslems from Spanyol and West Africa arrived at America about five centuries before Colombus. In the middle of 10th century, in the Governance of Khalifah Umayyah, Abdurrahman III (929-961 AD), Moslems from Africa sailed to the West of Delbra (Palos) Harbour in Spanyol, and ran through the “Foggy and black ocean”. They came with wealthy from the “strange and unknown country”. Some Moslems chose to live in that new country, they were the first Moslems Imigran in America.”
Granada, the Moslem’s last defence in Eropa was broken in 1429. In the middle of 16th century, there were cruel enforcing to the Moslems and Jewish to believe in Catholic, as the Spanish Inquisition. There were also oppressions from Cathedral of Roma as the result of the Spanish Inquisition. There are three ways of attituding from Moslems and Jewish to face this Inquisition :
• First, they don’t believe in Catholic. As the effect, they were punished.
• Second, they believe in Catholic. Moslems who believe in Catholic is named Morrisko, and Marrano for Jewish.
• Third, running away or migrating through Atlantic ocean. This was the second Moslem imigran in the new country (America).
The most bad oppression was in the governance of Paus Sixtus V (1585-1590). There were two documents about this Inquision. The first, King of Spanyol, Charles V gave a decree in 1539, forbide the citizen to imigrate to America for the clans of Moslems who had been punished. The second, that decree was ratified in 1543 with with expulsion of Moslems to go out from Spanyol. This is the fact of the second Moslem Imigran in America. There are many sources that show the arrival of first Moslems Imigran before Colombus:
•Abul-Hassan Ali Ibnu Al-Hussain Al-Masudi was an expert of Geography and History who lived in 871-957 AD. In his book, “Muruj adh-dhahab wa maad aljawar”, Abu Hasan wrote that in the Governance of Abdullah Ibn Muhammad (888-912), a Moslem cruiser from Cordova-Spanyol, Khasykhasy Ibn Sa’ied Ibn Aswad had sailed from Delba (Palos) in 889, running through the foggy and dark ocean and he arrive in a strange country, and he came back with wealthy (al- ardh majhul). [Al-Masudi: Muruj Adh-Dhahab, Vol. 1, P. 1385].
• Loe Weiner, an History expert, in his book “Africa and the Discovery of America” (1920) wrote that Colombus had known about the Moslem’s arrival in Karibia, North and West of America, Canada. They did their activities as a trader and were married with Indian people from Iroquis and Algonquin.
• A Geograpy expert and map maker, Al-syarif al-Idris (1099-1166) wrote on his popular book Nuzhat al-Mustaq fi Ikhtiraq al-Afaaq, that a group of sailor from North of Africa sailed through the foggy and dark ocean from Lisbon (Portugal). They found society who used Arabic Language.
• Colombus and the cruisers from Spayol and Portugis could sail through the Atlantic Ocean which is about 2400 km, because of information in Abul Hassan Al-Masudi’s book, Akhbar az- Zaman.
• Colombus was also helped by two Moslem Sailorman in his first expedition to across Atlantic ocean. The two Moslem sailorman are two siblings Martin Alonso Pinzon who handle the ship Pinta, and Vicente Yanez Pinzon for ship Nina. Both of this Pinzon were rich man and know munch about sailing. They helped Colombus in the Expedition. This two Pinzon have a family relationship with Abuzayan Muhammad III (1362-66), Maroko King from Dinasty of Marinid (1196-1465). (Thacher, John Boyd: Christopher Columbus, New York 1950).
• Some anthropologists had found inscription using Arabic language at Mississipi valley and Arizona. From the inscription they got information that the Imigran also also brought Elephant from Africa. (Winters, Clyde Ahmad: Islam in Early North and South America, Al-Ittihad, July 1977, p.60)
• Colombus wrote that on Monday, 21th October, 1492, while he was sailing near from Gibara in the south east of Cuba, he saw a mosque at the top of hill, and some writings of ayat Al-Quran can be found in Cuba, Mexico, Texas, and Nevada. (Thacher, John Boyd: Christopher Columbus, New York 1950).
• Dr. Barry Fell from Harvard University said that some facts have shown that Moslems had lived in America from North and West Africa for some centuries before Christopher Colombus arrived there. Dr. Fell found some Islamic school at Valley of Fire, Allan Springs, Logomarsino, Keyhole, Canyon, Washoe, and Hickison Summit Pass (Nevada), Mesa Verde (Colorado), Mimbers Valley (New Mexico) dan Tipper Canoe (Indiana) in 700-800 AD. (FellL, Barry: Saga America, New York, 1980] dan GYR,DONALD: Exploring Rock Art, Santa Barbara, 1989).
• Fell also found other facts. He said that the language which is used by Pima people is Algonquina, has many vocabularies from Arabic language. He also find some Moslem ‘swriting, like in some place in California.
A Historian from Germany, Alexander von Wuthenau also found a carving that showed Moor nation. One of the fact that show the origin of American is Islam can be known through the National Archives or Library of Conggress. Treat of 1987 said that The orogin people of America follow Islamic system in the site of trade, oceanic and governance.
According to Youssef, the chief of Cherokee tribe in 1866 AD is a man called Ramadhan Bin Wati. The clothes who’s usually used by that tribe is Moslem Uniform. “ In the North America, there are about 565 tribes, villages, towns, and mountains have basic words from Arabic language”.
These facts show that Islam had been in America since Islam got his Glory. Till now, Islam develops fastly in America_especially after “11th September Event”, that World Trade Center (WTC) has been destroyed. Now, American people are interested in believing Islam as the true religion.
The Population of Moslems in America
Pew Survey shows the important data about the population and status of Moslems in America. Thomas Smith Survey shows the amount of Moslem population in America is about 1,9 millions in 2000. Some moslem organizations said that the population of moslem in America is about 6-8 millions over the population of Jewish America. Recently, Haverford College Political Scientist Harvey Glickman, as the employee of Foreign Policy Research Institute said that the population of Moslems in America is over from the population of Jewish America. Some Moslem don’t believe the Smith Survey because that survey is done based on the wish of American Jewish organization.
Pew Survey which is just done recently support the accuration of Smith Survey that the population of Moslems in America is about 2,35 millions. 24% or 600.000 is from the Moslems in Arabic Country. This survey also showed that Moslems in America united with the other Americans in economy and culture than Moslems in Eropa.
In United States especially, The Census of Citizen of United States is not filled with question about religion from the citizen or society. American Imigration service also doesn’t have information about the religion of the Imigrans. Many of Mosques in United States don’t have legal membership policy, and they seldom write the amount of jamaah accurately. So that there’s no accurate data about the population of Moslem in United States.
According to the same sources, Imigran from Central and South of Asia is the first biggest community of Moslems in United States (33%). The second is from Afro-America (30%), Arab (25%), Africa (3%), and the others (5%), and from Eropa and South East Asia (Each of them is 2%). According to CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) of America in its link, said that Moslems in United States is 1% of 301.139.947 (in Juli 2007) of the citizen in United States.
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said that Jamaah from Sunni in United States are from different nations : South Asia (33%), Afro America (30%), Arab (25%), Eropa (2,1%), American (1,6%), South East Asia (1,3%0, Karibia (1,2%), Turkey-America (1,1%), Iran-America(0,7%), and Hispanik (0,6%).
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