Sulawesi, which was formerly known as Celebes, is an island with a very beautiful sea-shore and mountainous scenery. The area is 227.00 km2, just a little smaller than the whole land of England and Scotland. With long and narrow peninsulas, it takes the shape of an orchid flower. There is no land spot more than 90 km from the seashore. This gives the island a long beach-line.
Geographically, the strait of Sulawesi (Makassar), is known as the Wallace Line, which separates two different kinds of faunas, between the eastern and western part of Indonesia. It has specific flora and fauna such as Ebony wood, deer, and Maleo birds which have large eggs. This island has been inhabited by people for about 30.000 years. Evidences can be found in caves near the limestone hills not far from Maros, -a town about 30 km north east of Makassarthe capital of South Sulawesi province. There is a possibility that the oldest civilization on this island was in Wallanae Valley, a place between Soppeng and Sengkang where tools made of pebble have been found. Fossils from the extinct species of pig, deer, and elephants were also found around this area. During the golden ages of spice trade from the 15 th until the 19th century, South Sulawesi played a role as the gate to the Mollucan Islands, the lands of spices.
The mighty kingdoms of Makassar and Bone, as mentioned in the history of Eastern Indonesia, played an important role in trading and political field. South Sulawesi is inhabited by three main ethnic groups : Bugis, Makassar, and Toraja. The people of the first three ethnics have been known as patriotic and brave sailors during and after the wars. With the traditional sailing boats, they sailed across the seas of Indonesia, to the northern part of Australia, to a number of islands in the Pasific Ocean and to the African Coast. Toraja people are also famous for their specific culture; the traditional death ceremony, traditional houses with arch-shaped roofs and beautiful carvings with natural colors are known throughout Indonesia.
The geography of South Sulawesi has created very interesting cultural instruments. One can see and enjoy the uniqueness of the cultures such as ceremonials, traditional dances, carvings, beautiful weaving from cotton and silk, and the fascinating tropical scenery.
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